These are a few of My Favorite Things

exclamation points!

No digital correspondence is complete without an excess of exclamation points. I’m a perky individual, they really get my point across. 😘


As someone who gets a thrill out of optimizing my time. Listening to audiobooks while going for trails walks or doing chores is SO satisfying.

paddle boarding

Are you seeing the theme of my life? ocean, beach, lakes. Being near the water is my happy place.


I have NEVER been a runner before this past fall. I’ve always liked the idea of being a runner — great legs, kick ass endorphins and excellent cardio vascular health. So I joined a running club to keep myself accountable. I ran once a week for a few months and now I’m consistently running 3-5 min 3x a week. EEE! As a wedding photographer in seattle wa — running has really helped me up my endurance for wedding season.


We purchased our first boat in spring 2021, (Stabicraft 2250 UCWT) and we’ve spent every day off we can manage out on the water. Favorite boating activities: Arriving by boat to a vacay spot, crabbing, shrimping & salmon fishing.

My doggos

My sweet goldens, Maple & Alder. They are right at my heels wherever I go and flop down under my desk or behind my office chair as soon as I sit down to work.

growing cut flowers

Getting to create my own bouquets for around the house is the ultimate mood-booster. Anytime I’m trying to shake a funk, it only takes walking through my garden to release the tension


I’m obsessed with the gorgeous costumes and the romance. I’ve watched the first two seasons 3 times each. Can’t wait for season 3!!